Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Xbox 360)
Dark times need a dark hero
Product Information
In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, it is the end of days and ungodlypowers from demon lairs suffocate human beings. The Earth'salliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a dark and malevolentforce - the mysterious Lords of Shadow. Across this shatteredland, the souls of the dead wander, unable to find peace, whilstcreatures of evil wreak chaos and death upon the living.Gabriel Belmont is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, anelite group of holy knights who protect and defend the innocent againstthe supernatural. His beloved wife was brutally murdered bythe evil forces of darkness and her soul trapped for eternity. Neitherliving nor dead, she realizes the horrific truth of what is at stakeand guides Gabriel to his destiny and hopefully salvation for the world.
In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, it is the end of days and ungodlypowers from demon lairs suffocate human beings. The Earth'salliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a dark and malevolentforce - the mysterious Lords of Shadow. Across this shatteredland, the souls of the dead wander, unable to find peace, whilstcreatures of evil wreak chaos and death upon the living.Gabriel Belmont is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, anelite group of holy knights who protect and defend the innocent againstthe supernatural. His beloved wife was brutally murdered bythe evil forces of darkness and her soul trapped for eternity. Neitherliving nor dead, she realizes the horrific truth of what is at stakeand guides Gabriel to his destiny and hopefully salvation for the world.
Product Features
- A brand new Castlevania game with state of the art graphicsand high production standards to deliver an awesome game experience
- High caliber voice acting from the game's stunning cast,with Robert Carlyle, Patrick Stewart, Natasha McElhone, and Jason Isaacs
- Intense combat action game with a powerful magic systemthat takes the series back to its roots, but with all new features thatuse the full power of Xbox 360
- Immerse into a brand-new storyline that newcomers to theCastlevania franchise will relish, while existing fans will appreciateon a deeper level
- Overcome obstacles using the Combat Cross multi-functionweapon and hone your platforming skills in a sprawling adventure
- Take on behemoth enemies that scale to the size of completeworld environments and where special attacks and cunning speed arerequired for advancement
- Use secondary weapons like daggers and holy water andcombine them with light and dark magic for a wealth of powerful attacksto unleash upon your foes
- Explore gothic ruins, dark castles, old forests, and frozenwastelands. Discover a whole world to investigate with manyroutes and hidden secret places
Item Condition: New
- Players: 1 Player
- Memory: 4 MB to save game
- Sound: In-Game Dolby Digital
- HDTV: 720p, 1080i, 1080p(separate cables may be required)
- Xbox LIVE Features: Game-ContentDownload
- System: For use only with Xbox360 system with "NTSC" designation
Item Condition: New