OfficeWork Software Job Finder for Windows PC
A Quick Way to Find Your Next Job!
Looking for a new job? JobFinder will find it. With JobFinder searching for a job doesnt need to be complicated or time consuming. Simply customize your search and JobFinder will scan thousands of the best employment sites and job boards: Career Builder, Monster, Hot Jobs, Net Temps, Dice, Computer Jobs and many, many more. JobFinder reduces your job search from days to minutes.
With one click JobFinder searches thousands of job sites, millions of jobs, classified ads, and company web sites and then presents matches in one easy-to-manage dashboard. You can store resumes and quickly reply to any job opening. Even better, JobFinder always keeps searching for your job even when youre away from your computer - and immediately sends a notification whenever new jobs arrive. So youll always be in touch, JobFinder sends notifications of new jobs to your inbox, Blackberry, iPhone, or SmartPhone.
Dramatically reduce job search time
JobFinder searches multiple employment sites to find the right job for you!
Increase Your Exposure to Potential Employers
Quickly reply to job openings.
Stay Ahead of Your Competition
Be the first to learn of new postings and reply to them.
Get Organized
Easily keep track of your cover letters, job applications and progress.
Maintain Your Privacy
Email communications can be confidential
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