Mighty Math Number Heroes for Windows and Mac
Mighty Math Number Heroes teaches your 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th grader the concepts,facts and thinking skills necessary to build math confidence and develop astrong, lasting understanding of math!Visit the math metropolis where four friendly Number Heroes host excitingactivities that promote investigation and experimentation. Students masterfractions, multiplication, division, 2D geometry, and probability as they createdazzling fireworks displays, test their wits at a math game show, solvegeometric challenges, and graph data.
Covers all major topics in 3rd-6th grade mathcurriculums.
A pop-up Fact Book offers you help with geometry terms and concepts. The FactBook is part of the GeoComputer activity and can be used to help solve theGeoBot's geometric brainteasers. Mighty Math's unique Grow Slide feature automatically records yourchild's progress and adjusts to guide your child's learning. The activities inNumber Heroes offer dozens of math topics and thousands of problems. Grow Slideshelp your child get the full benefit of the four years of math learning in everyactivity. As your child learns and progresses, the Grow Slides advance, offeringmore challenging problems. You or your child can also set the difficulty of eachactivity or choose a specific topic related to schoolwork.
Explore Probabilities with Handsome ChanceRead graphs and charts, predict outcomes and determine probability as you makeaction figures of Handsome Chance. Run the probability machine to test yourhypotheses.Watch Fractions Become a BlastIdentify, add, subtract and multiply fractions to make brilliant and explosivefireworks with Fraction Man. This math super-hero also does a bang-up job ofteaching you to compare fractions, find equivalent fractions and convertdecimals to fractions.Hands-on Geometry with GeoBotUse the Geometry Computer to solve the GeoBot's challenging geometric brainteasers. Build geometric shapes and designs while mastering concepts such asperimeter, area, congruence, similarity, symmetry, rotation and tessellations.Turn Math and Logic into Fun and GamesStar Brilliant, host of Quizzo, challenges you to test your wits in math andlogic against wacky contestants or your own friends. Win by solving addition,subtraction, multiplication, division, analogy, shape identification, sortingand sequencing problems.Special FeaturesIncludes two unique calculators that display the steps required to solve aproblem. They also convert between fractions and decimals, and simplifyfractions.
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