America"s Test Kitchen: Let"s Get Cooking (Nintendo DS)
Get the whole family havingfun in the kitchen
Product Information
What's for dinner? Just tap the touch screen to reveal dozens ofpossibilities, then gather a team of friends or family members to helpprepare it. 300 recipes have been tested and perfected by the threedozen test cooks at America's Test Kitchen, a 2,500-square foot kitchenthat is home to Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country magazines as wellas the popular America's Test Kitchen public television show. Now theirculinary expertise promises to give everyone the tools and knowhow toprepare spectacular meals - together.
What's for dinner? Just tap the touch screen to reveal dozens ofpossibilities, then gather a team of friends or family members to helpprepare it. 300 recipes have been tested and perfected by the threedozen test cooks at America's Test Kitchen, a 2,500-square foot kitchenthat is home to Cook's Illustrated and Cook's Country magazines as wellas the popular America's Test Kitchen public television show. Now theirculinary expertise promises to give everyone the tools and knowhow toprepare spectacular meals - together.
Product Highlights
- 300 yummy recipes courtesy of America's Test Kitchen
- The software guides you through recipes step-by-step
- Assigns specific cooking roles to each family member
Product Features
Item Condition: New
- Everyone in the family can get involved thanks toage-appropriate kitchen tasks. Simply adjust the settings toindicate whether younger helpers are old enough to handle knives oradjust stovetop controls.
- Users can find something forevery taste and occasion by browsing the 300 recipes by ingredients,difficulty, cooking time, or even calorie count.
- Rate your favoriterecipes for quick and easy retrieval in the future
- Prompts appear within recipes for specific terms that youmight need more information about. Plus, users can even watch helpfulhow-tovideos, hear audibleinstructions, and use voice commands to navigate the software duringthecooking process
- If multiple people on your cooking team have Nintendo DSsystems, you can wirelessly transmit select recipes to them, even ifthey don't have a copy of the game card, so you can concentrate onthe entre while your assistants tackle the side dishes
- Just as with a traditional cookbook, users can take notes.The software's handwriting-recognition feature records notes aboutpersonal touches users add to their recipes.
- All the recipes have been created by editors, foodscientists, tasters and cookware specialists at America's Test Kitchen,who have taken the guesswork out of finding the best recipes
Item Condition: New