Heavy Gear II for Windows PC
A planetary strike force is underyour command. Only the most elite Gear force will be able to underminethe opposition's plans. Lead your war machine behind enemy lines in steathraids and reconnaissance missions to defend your world's independence. The epic Interploar War of the 62nd century has reached a cease-fire. Once-warringTerra Novan superpowers have now joined forces against the threat of full-scaleenemy invasion. Only the most elite Gear Force will be able to underminetheopposition's plans. Lead your war machine behind enemy lines in stealthraids and reconnaissance missions in a death-defying drive to defend yourworld's imperiled independence. Only your Special Ops Squad stands a fightingchance.Mission DirectiveYour unit is to be transported to planet Caprice, the strategicallyimportant "Gate World" that connects all of mankind's interstellar settlements,and serves as the enemy's base for launching invasions against Terra Nova.You will advance behind enemy lines, to gain intelligence on the natureof the enemy's armies, weaponry and plans for future attacks against ourhome planet.The Future of Sci-Fi Combat:An entirely new 3-D hardware-only engine delivers ultra-fastcombat action, true physics, photo-realistic graphics, and complex battlefieldsthat include numerous vehicles and structures, flying debris and realisticfire and smoke.Unpredictable Squad-Based Scenarios:Send commands for real squad-level battle tactics like flankingmaneuvers and ambushes via a sophisticated tactical interface. Take onintelligent enemies who adapt to your squad's tactics, affecting missionscenarios and outcomes.Varied Battle Environments:Go to war in urban/base sites, volcanic areas, swamps airlessplanets, and arctic zones. Fight indoors and through hostile elements,including realistic water and weather effects.Solo and Multiplayer Squad Combat:Gear up solo in the single-player saga or instant actionmode,and take on friends in advanced multiplayer battle scenarios, featuringdeathmatch and cooperative gameplay.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSHeavy Gear 2 will use a completely new, 3D hardware-only engineto propel sci-fi combat gaming even further into the future. The new engine,which takes full advantage of emerging 3D technologies, will enable youto experience a new level of lightning-fast combat action, as well as indoorbattles, realistic physics and photo-realistic terrain and graphical effects.
ReuirementsWindows 95/98-English version; 16 MB RAM; 195 MB hard disk space;2x CD-ROM drive; Sound-Blaster compatible sound card; mouse; DedicatedGame Card
Item Condition: New