MumboJumbo 3 Game Pack - Jewel Quest, Jungo & Little Farm
Adventure through thejungle, a vegetable farm, and ancient ruins!
Product Information
This three-game pack from MumboJumbo offers the ultimate in value withthree fun, addictive games in one jewel case. In Jungo, Chasethe Cheetah needs your color-matching help to save his friends from anevil vulture. Little Farm moves out into the country forvegetable-style puzzles and matching. Jewel Quest takes takesyour puzzle skills to Mayan ruins as you collect priceless artifactsand uncover hidden treasures.
This three-game pack from MumboJumbo offers the ultimate in value withthree fun, addictive games in one jewel case. In Jungo, Chasethe Cheetah needs your color-matching help to save his friends from anevil vulture. Little Farm moves out into the country forvegetable-style puzzles and matching. Jewel Quest takes takesyour puzzle skills to Mayan ruins as you collect priceless artifactsand uncover hidden treasures.
Product Titles Included
- Jungo
- Little Farm
- Jewel Quest
Product Overview
JungoJungo takes you tothe jungle to help Chase the Cheetah defeat the evil vulture Vargas andrescue his animal friends. You'll need fast reflexes and agoodeye for color as you journey through eight differentterrains. Race to match color orbs in large groups - three,six, eventhirty or more for a MegaMatch - and power-up to use the forces ofnature to freeChase's jungle friends.Features:
Little FarmInLittle Farm, use puzzle-solving and matching skills to help the Normansgrow their vegetable farm. Battle insect invasions, wanderinganimals, and weather to protect the harvest and grow your crops intime. Sell pumpkins, eggplants, tomatoes, and more to buytoolsto help you farm. Play entertaining puzzles for extra points,Wild Patches of fertilizer, and helpful power-ups like hyper-grow.Complete a level to place an oil derrick on your farm and seeifyou strike it rich!Features:
Jewel QuestJewelQuest turns sand tiles into gold as you rearrange valuable relics fromthe ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization. Uncover hiddentreasures as you journey through increasingly challenging puzzles, butwatch out for the secret twists and cursed items on thistreasure-filled matching adventure. Earn the respect of yourfellow archaeologists and collect oodles of treasures and jewels.Your quest is complete when you have solved every puzzle,uncovered all the gold statues, and proven yourself a Chief Explorer!Features:
JungoJungo takes you tothe jungle to help Chase the Cheetah defeat the evil vulture Vargas andrescue his animal friends. You'll need fast reflexes and agoodeye for color as you journey through eight differentterrains. Race to match color orbs in large groups - three,six, eventhirty or more for a MegaMatch - and power-up to use the forces ofnature to freeChase's jungle friends.Features:
- Stunning graphics and 3D special effects
- Captivating music and tribal sound effects
- Fast and furious frenzy rounds
- Lots of hidden bonuses to discover
- Thrilling power-ups that harness the force of nature
Little FarmInLittle Farm, use puzzle-solving and matching skills to help the Normansgrow their vegetable farm. Battle insect invasions, wanderinganimals, and weather to protect the harvest and grow your crops intime. Sell pumpkins, eggplants, tomatoes, and more to buytoolsto help you farm. Play entertaining puzzles for extra points,Wild Patches of fertilizer, and helpful power-ups like hyper-grow.Complete a level to place an oil derrick on your farm and seeifyou strike it rich!Features:
- Rescue, Collect, and Watering Modes offer a garden ofvariety
- Find Lost Coins to create your Best Match
- Make matches quickly to earn the Wild Patches
- Spend your earnings on new farm equipment and helpfulpower-ups
- Collect even more cash by finding the best field for youroil rig
Jewel QuestJewelQuest turns sand tiles into gold as you rearrange valuable relics fromthe ruins of the ancient Mayan civilization. Uncover hiddentreasures as you journey through increasingly challenging puzzles, butwatch out for the secret twists and cursed items on thistreasure-filled matching adventure. Earn the respect of yourfellow archaeologists and collect oodles of treasures and jewels.Your quest is complete when you have solved every puzzle,uncovered all the gold statues, and proven yourself a Chief Explorer!Features:
- Map your progress through 180 challenging puzzles
- Get special hints to help you battle against time
- Enjoy stunning graphics and full-screen display
- Hear the exotic soundtrack and wild jungle sounds as youplay
System Requirements
Item Condition: New
- Windows 2000, XP
- Pentium II I 800 MHz processor
- 156 MB of RAM
- 100 MB free of HD space
- DirectX 8.1 compatible Video Card with 64 MB VRAM
- DirectX 8.1 or higher
Item Condition: New