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Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - PlayStation 4

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 - PlayStation 4


The pitch is ours - Lovethe past, Play the future.
Product Information
The stadium lights turn on - the crowd roars in anticipation. Can youhandle the pressure? Pro Evolution Soccer returns with even more addedfeatures that will get you amped up. Improved AI adjusts to your everymove, with teammates finding new openings and defenders covering thefield depending on where the ball is in play. With the power of thenext-gen Fox Engine, your favorite players look even more lifelike withsoccer maneuvers that mimic their real playing styles. Added passingand shooting techniques will give you more chances to get past thegoalie. Whether playing solo or online with friends, it's time to getyour competitive juices flowing.
Product Features
  • BehavioralPatterns: PES 2015 now boasts a huge array of players thatboth look and play like their real-life counterparts. Teamsautomaticallyadopt their real-life game plan, whether it is counter-attacking, outwide playing or defending. Players' running and playing are authenticand they react emotionally as appropriate to fouls, goals, or refereedecisions - with their frame of mind actually affecting how they play
  • Poetryin Motion: The individuality of players is further enhancedwith seamless animations. No sacrifice to animation has been made inthe pursuit of fast response, yet the movements flow effortlessly andarecalculated in real-time and dependent on the player's position inrelation to the ball and its speed.
  • Bringthe Noise: PES 2015 mirrors the atmosphere of a premiermatch. The crowd animations have been hugely enhanced, and the rhythmof a match is met with context-sensitive crowd effects and movements.
  • RealisticAbilities: While the world's greatest players are capable ofmoments of incredible skill, PES 2015 focuses on their abilities asplayers and not their flicks and tricks. Beating an opposing playerduring an attacking play will require using pace and close control.Only the most technical users will get away with rainbow flicks. And,even then, it may not work every time
  • myClub: An extensive Master LeagueOnline overhaul allows players and managers to be added usingaccumulated GP points or via micro-transactions within club dealings.Additionally, agents are now used to meet player requirement criteria,while unhappy players can be detrimental to a team. Furthermore, TeamSpirit plays a key role, as player/management and player/team dynamicsaffect a team's performance
  • LiveUpdates: Weekly DLC updates will constantly update transfersand team line-ups across the English, French, Italian, Spanish andBrazilian leagues. Player data is also updated based on currentperformances every week, so if a player is on a goal-scoring streak,his stats will be boosted accordingly.
  • AdaptableMatch Environments: A good manager knows how to give his sideevery advantage. As managers, players can request the grass be leftlong to slow down short play, or wet to suit a passing style. Playerscan tailor any part of their stadiums to suit their needs
  • Players: 1-4 Players
  • Required Hard Drive Space: 22 GB
  • HD Video Output: 1080p
  • Compatibility: DualShock 4
  • PlayStation Network Features: Teams,Online Multiplayer, Content Download, Leaderboards, Trophies, OnlineCo-Op
Note:  HD requires cables and HD compatibledisplay (sold separately).  PlayStation Networkfeatures andofferings may change without notice; children under 18 must haveparental consent to establish a PlayStation Network account and may notbe able to access certain content or services.
Item Condition: New

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