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Generic Mary Lou"s Weigh Platform - The Smart, New Way To Get Healthy w- Bonus

Generic Mary Lou"s Weigh Platform - The Smart, New Way To Get Healthy w- Bonus


The weight-loss scale thatencourages and motivates instead of irritating
Product Information
Mary Lou's Weigh Platform is a motivational weight loss tool thatallows you to successfully achieve your weight loss goal throughpositive motivation and reinforcement. You will never be toldyour actual weight - just how many pounds you have gained or lost.The Platform motivates and guides you through an achievable10-pound weight loss goal by using combinations of audible weight lossfeedback, music, applause, fun electronic tones, helpful health tips,and positive reinforcement messages. After your 10-pound goalis achieved, the Platform resets automatically so you can maintain yourweight or go for another ten pounds. And, as an added bonus, you'll getthe Drill SergeantVoice Cartridge, for extra motivation to lose weight.
Product Highlights
  • Smart reinvention of the typical scale that is far moreenjoyable to use
  • Only know how many pounds you've lost or gained - not youractual weight
  • Designed for those fighting the long battle with yo-yoweight-gain
  • Audio feedback to motivate and guide you toward achievable10-pound goal
  • Has a blue side and a green side to accommodate two usersat the same time
Product Features
  • The Stuff You Need to Stay on Track -In order to support your weight loss goals every step of the way, MaryLou's Weigh Platform includes motivation and information through abook, DVD, and the Platform itself.
  • The Platform - The Platform secretlyrecords your starting weight the first time you step on it. After that,Mary Lou Retton will actually coach you along your path to weight-lossby telling you how much you've lost or gained and give you advice andmotivation to help you through the day.
  • The Honest-to-Goodness Diet - This bookis a collection of great advice from experts on weight-loss, written tobe a source of inspiration and information - particularly on building adiet plan that will help you succeed in your weight loss goals.
  • The DVD - The DVD includes an interviewwith Mary Lou Retton and a video of her answering some of the mostcommonly asked questions about the Platform.  It also includestips of getting the best results while you work toward your goals.
Added Bonus
Added Bonus! Buy Mary Lou's Weight Platform andreceive the Bonus Drill Sergeant Insert for free!Now, you can have your own personal drill sergeant to motivate you towork towardlosing weight. The Drill Sergeant Cartridge easily fits into theMary Lou's Weigh Platform to give you that extra push to work towardyour goals. Once inserted, you can easily switch back and forth betweenMary Lou and the Drill Sergeant Cartridge without losing your weightinformation.
  • Weight Platform
  • A Better Weight DVD
  • Honest-to-Goodness Diet Book
  • 4 'AA' Batteries
  • Color: White
  • Power Source: 4 'AA' Batteries(included)
  • Dimensions: 15" x 11" x 2" (L xW x H, Approx.)
Note:  Batteries are included, but are notguaranteed.

    Item Condition: New

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