Luxor 3 Action Puzzle Adventure for Windows PC
A thrilling adventure tosave ancient Egypt from doom
Product Information
Luxor 3 takes you on another journey into a world of Egyptian gods,golden scarabs, and mystical creatures. Battle thepower-hungry god of Chaos to free the essences of the other Egyptiangods before they reach the pyramid at the end of their path. Utilize reflectors to make nearly impossible matches, makethree matches in a row to release supernatural power-ups, and collectAnkh coins to use for purchasing important upgrades. Explorefive new and engaging game modes, including the brain teasing PuzzleMode, and the frantic excitement of Crossing the Nile. Whether you are returning to Luxor or new to the popularaction puzzle game, you won't want to miss the blood-tingling,heart-pounding adventure that is Luxor 3.
Luxor 3 takes you on another journey into a world of Egyptian gods,golden scarabs, and mystical creatures. Battle thepower-hungry god of Chaos to free the essences of the other Egyptiangods before they reach the pyramid at the end of their path. Utilize reflectors to make nearly impossible matches, makethree matches in a row to release supernatural power-ups, and collectAnkh coins to use for purchasing important upgrades. Explorefive new and engaging game modes, including the brain teasing PuzzleMode, and the frantic excitement of Crossing the Nile. Whether you are returning to Luxor or new to the popularaction puzzle game, you won't want to miss the blood-tingling,heart-pounding adventure that is Luxor 3.
Product Features
- Seven thrilling game modes
- New upgradeable power-ups and unlockable content
- Over 150 nail-biting levels
- Action-packed fun with branching and merging paths
Windows Requirements
Item Condition: New
- Windows 2000, XP, Vista
- Pentium III 700 MHz processor or greater
- 256 MB of RAM
- DirectX 8.1 or higher
- DirectX8.1-compatible video card with 64 MB of VRAM
- Direct Sound-compatible sound card
- 60 MB of free hard drive space
- CD-ROM Drive
Item Condition: New