Mariner Software WinJournal for Windows PC
Create, Maintain, Blog, and Podcast a PersonalJournal
Effortlessly organize and record your thoughts and daily events with thisjournal software. Publish entries to your favorite blog site or keep secure onyour PC. Even podcast with WinJournal the all-in-one blog client!
- Chronicle your life securely on your PC
- Organize your notes or thoughts
- Publish your blog to the Internet in seconds
- Easily podcast or record audio as an entry
Why use WinJournal instead of a blog site's control panel? WinJournallets you have far greater control over your blog. Have access to your entrieswithout always having to log in to your blog's control panel. Enjoy advancedformatting control, spellcheck, password protection, audio attachments, and moreusing the blog client from WinJournal.
Archive your lifeChronicle life's moments for your grandchildren, your children, or yourself!Look back years from now to recall what you were involved with today. Addphotos, links, audio, graphics, or just words. WinJournals journal softwarewill archive your entries, keeping them safe and secure on your hard drive.To Blog or Not to BlogLet's face it, the Internet makes communication incredibly easy. Blogging, orpublishing and maintaining a journal on the Internet, is the latest form ofexpressing yourself. Communicate with family and friends or step up onto yourown personal soapbox; WinJournal makes blogging a snap. Then again, if you'remore the private type and want to keep your writing on your hard drive,WinJournal gives you two levels of security: Password protection and AES-256encryption.WinJournal can Podcast tooTell a story in your own voice or record a loved one telling a story. Great forpersonalizing your entries, making a strong point, leaving messages, remindersand more. Post your podcast and share your voice with the world!
Full Screen Mode... Write in Distraction-Free BlissIf you are a writer who needs a distraction-free writing landscape, WinJournal'sFull Screen feature is for you! No background apps, no email, no system trayalerts, just you and your words.
- Publish to blog - Publish your blog in two clicks!
- Podcast - Share audio with listeners who subscribe to your podcast via RSS.
- Full screen - A simple key combination brings you into distraction-free mode.
- Search - Search for any word, in any entry, in any journal.
- Statistics -Show a list of the most common words, total characters, average words per entry.
- View blog in browser - Use your browser to view your blog.
- Insert song info - Automatically add the name and artist of the WinAmp song you're listening to.
- Discover Wiki Links - Find links between your journals and entries.
- Journals pane - Create and organize all your journals hierarchically.
- Windows 2000, 2000 Server, XP Pr and Home, Vista
- CD-ROM drive
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