Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time
In my quest for redemption...not even my death canstop me
In medieval Persia, Earths mightiest and most mysterious kingdom, a kingand his son defeat the powerful Maharajah and kidnap his daughter, looting hispalace of priceless treasure, including an extravagant hourglass, and amysterious dagger. What the Prince does not realize, is that these twoobjects can turn their possessor into an immortal god, and give him control overtime itself. Tricked by a dying Vizier bent on harnessing this terrible magicfor himself, the Prince releases the sands of time, destroying a kingdom andturning its populace into ferocious demons. Only the Prince, the Vizier, andPrincess Farah, the kidnapped daughter of the Maharajah, remain unchanged. Now,it is up to the young Prince of Persia to call upon every resource and ounce ofcourage he possesses to save his kingdom and redeem his fatal mistake.The Sands of Time is a strange and mystical force that allows players toseamlessly bend the fabrics of time, granting them a number of astoundingpowers. In terms of gameplay, these powers grant The Prince the ability tofight harder, fight fearlessly, and fight with more strategic flexibility. There are five known powers of the Sands of Time:
- The Power of Revival: Face danger with the ability to journey back in time.
- The Power of Delay: Slow the passing of time
- The Power of Restraint: Freeze enemies in time, while you remain moving.
- The Power of Haste: Accelerate the passing of time and slash enemies at the speed of light
- The Power of Destiny: Behold startling visions of the future
A technological masterpieceWitness some of the most advanced programming in gaming history, pushing thelimitations of consoles and raising the standards of games in all areas ofproduction: physics, lighting, graphics, animations, and more!
An unmatched heroWielding powers of mythic proportions, the Prince returns toaction-adventure gaming with gravity-defying acrobatics, ferocious fightingskills, and the ability to bend time to fulfill his destiny.
The sands of timeUbisoft's Montreal Studio presents the Sands of Time -- a technologicalbreakthrough that will change the face of action-adventure gaming forever. Erasethe past, behold the future, and freeze the present in real-time for unlimitedgameplay variations.
Exotic worlds and vast kingdomsUncover the mysteries of a world never before explored in action-adventuregaming. Medieval Persia, mythical and deadly, holds a staggering array oflandscapes and kingdoms to explore and conquer.
A sweeping adventure of betrayal and triumphThe epic legends and deadly creatures of mythic Persia burn to life in thissuspense-filled tale, featuring more twists and turns than the labyrinthinePalace itself.
"I haven't played a better game all year." - 1 Up (9.5 out of 10)"The gameplay has just the right balance of challenging puzzles andfinger-numbing battles to deliver an exceptional adventure whether youreroyalty or not." - Gamepro.com (5 out of 5)"This is the kind of game that literally makes you forget you're playing agame, leaving you barely aware of your body and just totally consumed by theaction onscreen." - GameNow"Pure magic. Soft lighting effects and elaborate, detailed architecturegive the entire experience the quality of an opium-induced vision where timemoves at the speed of your imagination. PoP's immersive atmosphere takes you toanother level altogether." - Electronic Gaming Monthly, Dec 2003 (9.3 out of10)"An outstanding game -- a dazzling, masterful achievement...Thanks towholly intuitive control, stunning atmosphere and satisfyingly cleverenvironmental puzzles, the title easily ranks as one of my favorite adventureofferings of all time." -ign.com
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